
Thank you for your help.

You are able to make donations to the work of IRFA in the following methods.

DIRECT DEPOSIT into the IRFA bank account. (This is our preferred method)

Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Indian Reformed Fellowship – Australia

General Account:
BSB: 064-173     Account: 10327758

Project Account:
BSB: 064-173     Account: 10474942      (Please tag your gift so it goes to the right project)


Account Name:
Indian Reformed Fellowship Australia Project Account

Account Address:
32 Carl Street, Buranda Qld 4102

General Account IBAN:


Project Account IBAN:
06417310474942 (Note: Please set a tag to the IRFA Project)

Swift Code: 

WESTERN UNION International Transfer

Western Union is also convenient, fast, reliable and cheaper made from your local Post Office by using IRFA’s Bank Details or person-to-person using IRFA’s Pastoral Coordinators name and address: Richard Weeden Dawes Wilson, 16 Cassatt Place, Forest Lake Qld 4078, Australia. The Western Union form requires the sender’s name, address, destination country (Australia) and city (Brisbane) and destination currency (Australian dollars).

If you use Western Union you will need to send to Richard Wilson by separate email a Money Transfer Control Number MTCN that will be given to you when you make the transfer at your local post office. We can assure you that once receiving the money through Western Union that we will send a receipt and also a copy of the deposit slip that the money has gone into the required IRFA bank account.

CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER made out to ‘Indian Reformed Fellowship – Australia’

P.O. Box  6125
Buranda, QLD, 4102

Pay online by Credit Card or PayPal

Please click the Donate button below.